laboratory grading reports
diamond buying is equal parts intimidating and nerve-racking, which is why having a report from a reputable lab is important.
in the united states, the best labs for diamond grading are gia and ags (soon to be merging with gia). for decades, they have maintained reputations for being fair, strict, and consistent.
it makes sense to have a diamond with a report when purchasing an engagement ring, as they are typically the highest quality and most expensive diamond purchase.
a report gives you the peace of mind that what you are buying, is what you are getting. with a little due diligence and thanks to the internet, you can see if you are getting a fair price.
some people say gia/ags stones are more expensive than stones graded by other labs but in reality, that isn't the case. some labs are known to upgrade the color and/or the clarity. making it appear as if it has an ‘amazing discount’. but had it been graded accurately, it would be comparably priced to a gia or ags stone.
insider fact: diamond prices are extremely consistent around the world. no one gets a heavy discount, and no one gives a stone away. ever. if you see a stone that is priced ‘too good to be true' ... buyer beware.
*in 2022 ags will be merging with gia*
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